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Previous Speakers and Visitors

Speaker Seminar Title
Dr. Peter Johnson
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
"Whole body vibration research at the University of Washington"
Dr. Ashley Schoenfisch
Assistant Professor, Division of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Duke Universitn
"Context-responsive approaches in occupational safety and health resarch"
Dr. Kurt Beschorner
Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
"Ladder slipping biomechanics & shoe-floor tribology: sophisticated yet practical fall prevention research"
Dr. Daniel Hindman
Associate PRofessor, Department of Sustainable Biomaterials, Virginia Tech
"Intentionally causing interdisciplinary research: the evolution of a NIOSH proposal"
Mr. Jim Flowers
Executive Director, VT KowledgeWorks
Dr. Richard Daugherty
Director of Strategic Services, VT KnowledgeWorks
"Help with the jump from idea to income: from research to reward"
Ms. Pietra Check, MPH
Dupty Director, Office of Agriculture Safety and Health, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
"Transdisciplinary approach to OSH researchand practice"
Dr. Deborah Young-Corbett
Associate Professor, School of Construction/Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech
"Prevention through design: health hazard control activities of the OCHRE Lab"
Dr. Jochen Teizer
Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Technology for pro-active construction safety"
Dr. Enid Montague
Assistant Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison
"Trust in sociotechnical health system"
Mr. David Fosbroke
Statistician, Division of Safety Resarch, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
"NIOSH roadway workzone safety"